How to Protect ‘Chiangmaians’ from PM 2.5? - Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai EN

From other articles, we all know how dangerous PM2.5 is. In the meantime, when all parties (both the public and private sections) are finding ways to diminish the pollution in the long term, Chiang Mai people should fully protect themselves from pollution. It is to decrease the impact and harm that will happen to us and our loved ones.


Here are self-care PM2.5 recommendations for taking care of yourself as follows:

  1. Do not go outside the building. We should avoid doing activities in open spaces or enclosed buildings because it makes us breathe more particulates, especially when the PM2.5 level ​is higher than the standards recommended by the World Health Organization (Average 24 hours over 25 micrograms per cubic meter).
  2. Wear a dust mask at all times when staying outdoors and try to limit the time as short as possible
  3. Close the door and window tightly. Opening the door for just a few minutes can cause a large amount of dust to enter the house.
  4. Use an air purifier in the house
  5. When you have symptoms of stuffy nose, eye irritation, difficulty breathing, or chest tightness, consult an expert doctor as soon as possible.


Finally, I hope Chiang Mai people like us can get through PM 2.5 soon. Take good care of your health.



Dr. Darakul Pornsriniyom

Neurologist specialty in Sleep Medicine

Neuroscience Center of Excellence Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai