Statistics on Health Check-up at Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai 2023

Statistics on people at risk for cardiovascular disease
Statistics on people at risk for breast cancer
Statistics on people at overweight

(BMI over 23 kg/m2)

Statistics on people at risk for obesity

(BMI over 25 kg/m2)

Who should take this screening test : Female 35 and older

Inclusions of a package for Female

  • Physical Examination
  • Bone Dens Lumbar Hip
  • Calcium
  • Electrolyte
  • Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Total)
  • Mammograms with Ultrasound Breast Both-Side
  • Thyroid Panel
    • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
    • Triiodothyronine (Free T3)
    • Thyroxine Free (Free T4)
  • Physical Eye Examination
    • Eye Examination
    • Fundus
    • Auto Refraction
    • Tonometer
  • Heart Screening
    • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    • Exercise Stress Test (EST)
    • Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)
  • Chest X- ray
  • Blood Test
    • Complete Blood Count
  • Lipid Fats Profile
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • HBA1C
    • Total Cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • Triglyceride
  • Gout *Uric acid
  • Kidney Function Panel
    • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
    • Creatinine Plus GFR
  • Liver Function Panel
    • SGPT
    • SGOT
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • Total Protein
    • Total and Direct Bilirubin
    • GGT (Gamma-GT)
  • Hepatitis Screening
    • HBsAg
    • HBsAb
    • Anti HCV
  • Cancer Screening
    • CA 125
    • Carcinoembryonic (CEA)
    • Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
  • Urine Examination
  • Stool Examination and Occult Blood
  • H. Pylori
  • Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Inbody Composition
  • Medical Report
  • Snack Box

Who should take this screening test : Male 35 and older

Inclusions of a package for Male

  • Physical Examination
  • Bone Dens Lumbar Hip
  • Calcium
  • Electrolyte
  • Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Total)
  • Hormone Level
    • Testosterone
  • Thyroid Panel
    • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
    • Triiodothyronine (Free T3)
    • Thyroxine Free (Free T4)
  • Physical Eye Examination
    • Eye Examination
    • Fundus
    • Auto Refraction
    • Tonometer
  • Heart Screening
    • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    • Exercise Stress Test (EST)
    • Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)
  • Chest X- ray
  • Blood Test
    • Complete Blood Count
  • Lipid Fats Profile
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • HBA1C
    • Total Cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • Triglyceride
  • Gout *Uric acid
  • Kidney Function Panel
    • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
    • Creatinine Plus GFR
  • Liver Function Panel
    • SGPT
    • SGOT
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • Total Protein
    • Total and Direct Bilirubin
    • GGT (Gamma-GT)
  • Hepatitis Screening
    • HBsAg
    • HBsAb
    • Anti HCV
  • Cancer Screening
    • Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA)
    • Carcinoembryonic (CEA)
    • Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
  • Urine Examination
  • Stool Examination and Occult Blood
  • H. Pylori
  • Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Inbody Composition
  • Medical Report
  • Snack Box
  • Get enough sleep, at least 6 hours.
  • Do not eat or drink at least 10 – 12 hours prior to the check-up. Water, however may by small sips.
  • If you have a chronic illness or other health problems and taking medicine , you should inform your doctor.

For females

  • If pregnant, please inform the staff.
  • Avoid 7 days before or after the menstrual period.
  • Urine analysis and breast cancer screening by Digital Mammogram, should avoid having the test during the menstrual period.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Period Today – 31 December 2024
  2. This package includes doctor fee.
  3. This package excludes other specialist consultation.
  4. Service is available at Health Promotion Center and BCM Wellness Center, 1st floor Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai.
  5. This package cannot be used with other promotional discounts.

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