Why Childhood Vaccinations are Important - Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai EN

Dr. Anjana Sachabudhawong

Why Childhood Vaccinations are Important

Why should every child be vaccinated?

A vaccine is a preparation used to stimulate the body’s production of antibodies and provide immunity against a particular disease. Childhood vaccinations protect your child from deadly diseases and help keep other children safe.   Childhood vaccinations:

  • Can save your baby’s life
  • Can protect your child from a deadly disease
  • Are the most effective way to build immunity to a disease
  • Minimizes the risk of childhood disability

Measles is a dangerous virus for a child which can result in distorted vision, brain and lung infections, and death. A measles vaccination can eliminate all these risks. For example, the Center for Disease Control in the USA reported a decrease in deaths from measles by 74% following mass vaccinations of the population.

Vaccinations protect your family and community

When the vaccination rate in a town is high, viruses struggle to establish themselves because there are fewer targets for them to attack. This results in community immunity which helps to protect the most vulnerable people against attack by viruses.

Vaccines can eradicate diseases

Throughout recorded history, smallpox has killed hundreds of thousands of people. However, smallpox has been completely eradicated since the introduction of the smallpox vaccine. Therefore, ensure your children are vaccinated to help speed up the eradication of diseases to prevent the suffering of future generations.

Is childhood vaccination cost-effective?

The benefits of vaccination overwhelmingly outweigh the monetary, time, and emotional costs of caring for an ill family member for a lifetime.

Side-effects of vaccination

Every vaccination causes a certain amount of pain and swelling at the site of the injection. This is perfectly normal. They are signs that the vaccination has “taken” and show that the body is working hard to develop antibodies.

The gift of health

Childhood vaccinations protect your child all day, every day, no matter the conditions or environment.

Recommended Vaccination Schedule

Review the vaccination schedule below to learn what vaccines your child may need. Check with your family’s healthcare professionals to make sure everyone is up to date on recommended vaccines.

For an appointment or further information, please contact the Pediatric Clinic at 052-089-765 or 1719