Dr. Thanayod Moonla

Office Syndrome

Office Syndrome is typically found in office workers who spend many hours in front of a computer screen. The pain can also be attributed to poor posture, prolonged sitting, and sitting in an inappropriate position. Over time, the muscles become contracted and result in muscle tightness and pain.


Common causes of Office Syndrome include:

  • Sitting for an extended period of time without taking a break
  • Poor posture and sitting in an inappropriate position
  • Inadequate height of the table or the position of the computer and keyboard


Office Syndrome symptoms often start gradually. Left untreated, the symptoms can become more serious over time. The most common symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Neck, shoulder and back pain
  • Numbness or tingling in the feet, arms, wrists or hands
  • Eyestrain


Office Syndrome can often be prevented by changing behaviors, improving working conditions, and starting an exercise program. Other methods available to prevent Office Syndrome from affecting you include:

  • Creating an ergonomically friendly working environment
  • Stretching your muscles during the day to help maintain flexibility
  • Sitting correctly
  • Avoiding long periods of sitting - take short breaks and walking around
  • Resting your eyes


If the symptoms are mild, the best solution is to start an exercise program and adjust working conditions and behaviors. If the pain is more severe, additional treatment therapies may be required, including taking medication, acupuncture therapy, and rehabilitation and physical therapy. Rehabilitation and physical therapy methods available at Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai that can help reduce the pain include:

  • Ultrasound
  • Laser therapy
  • Electrical therapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Trigger point release therapy

Seeking Help for Office Syndrome

At Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai, the expert doctors and physiotherapists at the Rehabilitation Clinic provide comprehensive services for the assessment, prevention, and rehabilitation from Office Syndrome. To schedule an appointment, call 052-089-888 or 1719.