In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health, Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai focuses on preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Our double-door antimicrobial ventilation system is designed to add another layer of health and safety.
The Isolated Acute Respiratory Infection Unit is allocated to separate Covid-19 patients from those who receive general services. Hospital-wide, alcohol service points are to facilitate hand washing in all departments and corridors. Physical Distancing protocol and touchpoints cleaning are in all areas according to the international standards.
According to parents’ concerns, BCM pediatricians are here to answer about health, nutrition, and developmental issues.
For newborns, give breastfeeding every 2-3 hours, 1-2 ounces each time. And increase the amount by 2-4 ounces each time, or equal to 5.5 ounces of body weight per day. For example, if a baby weighs 4 kg, the recommended daily milk intake is 5.5 x 4 = 22 ounces. For a newborn through 6 months of age, breastfeeding alone is considered appropriate and sufficient for the baby’s needs. When the baby is over 6 months old, mothers can give water and try supplementation. The mother may try to observe the amount of milk that the baby consumes is more than 32 ounces per day.
When the baby is 4-5 months old, mothers should start to stop breastfeeding during the night. And when the baby is 9 months old, the baby should not be breastfed from the bottle after feeding.
When the baby turns 1 year old, the mother may refrain from feeding at some meals. And train your child to learn to drink from a cup or glass by himself/herself by giving the child 2-4 glasses of water (equal to 16-24 ounces) per day, along with eating 3 meals from the 5 food groups.
If Parents need more advice can consult our medical professional.
Baby refusing to have milk may be caused by an abnormal body. Emotional states or other causes
1. Oral fungal infection, can be observed from the white stains found in the mouth or on the tongue.
2. Sore gums or teeth are growing in children aged 6 months and more.
3. Inflammation or ear infection, it may cause the baby to feel pain while suckling.
4. Having a cold and stuffy nose can make it your child difficult to breathe and sore throat or throat irritation while suckling.
5. The amount of breast milk decreases which caused the baby eats less. Coupled with the baby suckling from the bottle until it gets too attached to the pacifier.
6. Confusion caused by a change in the mother’s routine or if the mother is away from the child for a long time, such as having to go to work or traveling long distances, may cause the baby to not receive milk for a long time, leading to confusion.
7. Babies may be distracted by their surroundings which makes them less interested in breastfeeding.
8. Breastfeeding postures of mothers may not be correct. And causing the baby to feel uncomfortable or painful while suckling, thus making the child not want to suckle.
9. The violent reaction a mother shows to her child when the baby bites while suckling. May create bad feelings for the child.
10. Expressing stress in children because of being urged to drink too much milk or being changed when drinking milk.
Currently, there is no evidence of transmission of COVID-19 through breast milk. Breastfeeding is still important because breast milk contains substances that help build immunity in the baby, prevent various infections, and reduce the mortality of infants after birth, including young children. The mother should allow the baby to be breastfed within the first hour after birth.
However, in children under 6 months of age, mothers should only be breastfed. But when the baby is over 6 months old, the mother can continue to breastfeed while giving the child supplementary food.
Babies should be breastfed until around 6 months of age, after which mothers can start feeding them other foods as well. However, babies can continue to breastfeed until 1-2 years of age or longer as appropriate and recommended by a doctor.
There are many reasons why babies have difficulty falling asleep or waking up.
1. Environment
The sleeping environment is important to the baby. The ideal room temperature for a baby to sleep is around 24 – 26 degrees Celsius and it must be a room temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold. It’s also a good idea to let the baby sleep in a quiet and noiseless room as noisy environments can wake the baby up.
2. The baby is sick
If your baby is having trouble sleeping or waking up often, it could be a sign that the baby has a medical condition, such as a cold, colic, or tummy ache. In case the baby has tummy discomfort, it may be that the baby is fed with formula and is unable to digest the protein and lactose in the milk completely. This results in gas in the stomach and can cause stomach discomfort.
3. The baby is feeding too much
Breastfeeding every 1-2 hours during the day, or feeding every time the baby cries, may familiarize the baby with the fact that when the mouth touches the teat or nipple, then responds with suckling and make the mother understand that the baby is hungry. Therefore, feeding the baby often, the baby is accustomed to and often wakes up crying during the night to drink milk like during the day.
5. The baby is allergic to milk
Milk allergy is one of the factors that affect sleep and make it difficult for babies to fall asleep. This is because babies may be allergic to certain foods that are in breast milk when the mother eats certain foods, such as cow’s milk, seafood, cheese, etc., or they may be allergic to the cow’s milk protein contained in the formula. When the baby is allergic to milk may cause discomfort or other symptoms such as a stuffy nose or wheezing.
Parents must first note that your baby cries from illness or cries from colic. In case your child cries from colic, basic methods that parents can do such as taking the child for a walk in a new place or giving the child exposure to a different environment. If the child still sings, parents may be distracted by finding a pacifier for their baby to suck on. Comfort the baby gently, soothe your child by playing slow music, or try having your child sit in a rocking chair.
Most importantly when a baby cries, fathers should not be angry and emotional or shake your child to stop crying as this could lead to a brain hemorrhage.
In the treatment of colic, parents should take their child to a pediatrician for a diagnosis and determine if the crying is due to colic or other medical conditions.
According to the requirements of the Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand and the Ministry of Public Health, the basic vaccines that all children need are tuberculosis vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, polio vaccine, measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine JE encephalitis vaccine Chickenpox vaccine, Rota vaccine, Hepatitis A vaccine, etc. Click to view vaccine packages for children.
Language development is very important to children because it is important to learning and affects both intellectual intelligence or IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and emotional intelligence or EQ (Emotional Quotient). If a child is one and a half years old and has not spoken a single word, it could be a sign of language developmental delays. This may be due to two main reasons:
1. Developmental problems such as language delay, autism, mental retardation, or deafness.
2. Inappropriate parenting stimulation and promotion, such as excessive screening of children or lack of parental supervision. (under stimulation, neglect)
So, if your baby turns one year old and still refuses to speak. Should immediately bring to see a pediatrician for further diagnosis.
Parents can help promote their child’s language development in the following ways:
1. Parents should speak clearly, accurately, and slowly. Including the use of a soft and sweet tone. In communication, simple sentences may be used to talk to your child.
2. While communicating with your child, parents should speak naturally and use complete sentences.
3. When parents talk to their children, sit as close to your child and make eye contact as possible.
4. When the child is over 12 months old, the language used when the child is young should be avoided.
5. Parents should be enthusiastic about what their children say and listen attentively Including giving compliments and encouragement to your child by showing more than usual facial expressions.
However, in all such methods that the doctor has recommended parents should create an atmosphere of enjoyment and fun for their children.
Many times, the inability to control their emotions and anger can be caused by three main factors.
1. Physical aspects: brain structure and unbalanced level of communication. Diseases, including ADHD, bipolar disorder, or autism, can affect a child’s mood and make them irritable, impatient, or depressed.
2. Psychological: Another factor that makes children angry easily may be based on the child’s emotional background, being an angry child, temperamental or impatient and so on.
3. Environment: Environment can also affect a child’s mood. Whether it is the perception of the content of violence from the media or parenting, such as growing up in a violent family.
If parents need more advice can consult a specialist doctor.
Techniques for increasing the height of the child include:
1. Eating all 5 food groups: Increasing height for children must start with eating. Parents need to make a list of food each day to see what the child should eat.
In addition to milk, which is an important nutrient that helps increase height. Protein and calcium are also indispensable. Children should eat fish because fish is a source of calcium. The same goes for high-protein foods like eggs, meat, almonds, soybeans, broccoli, legumes, sesame, etc.
2. Exercise regularly: Physical activity or sports for at least 30 minutes a day can help increase your child’s height.
3. Sleep: Parents should put their children to bed before 10 p.m. and do not let the child sleep late to allow the body to fully rest. When the body is fully rested, the system in the body will work well at the same time Growth Hormone will be secreted efficiently. This allows the baby to grow faster and gives the baby a chance to grow taller, more or less, even if the height factor is genetics.
4. Avoid giving your child sodas: Drinking soft drinks removes calcium from the body, preventing the child from growing and growing taller. It also puts children at risk of osteoporosis and obesity.
By nature, babies at the age of 4-5 months will have a thumb-sucking behavior because during this age the baby will begin to explore his surroundings. Therefore, parents should be careful not to forbid the baby or pull the baby’s finger out when sucking because the baby may turn to suck or suck on toys instead.
The thumb-sucking behavior in older children is often a habit. The solution is to find toys or activities for children to do in order to distract them and not to pull the child’s finger out while the child is sucking as this can cause the child to panic.
When the child eats little or loses appetite, it may be caused by the boredom of having to eat only useful things that parents have disciplined or expect their children to eat. Parents should be strict not to eat snacks and wait patiently until hungry. At the same time, parents prepare nutritious meals. It is nutritious and tastes good in the right amount for your child to eat until they are full. Parents should allow their children to eat meals for no more than 30 minutes and should not force their children to eat too much. If parents need more advice can consult a specialist doctor.
Noisy breathing can be caused by a number of factors, such as cold, allergic rhinitis, tonsil conditions: enlarged adenoids, or sleep problems. Therefore, parents should take their children to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. It should not be ignored as it may affect emotional state, brain development, and learning. In addition, not getting enough sleep may result in the child having a spasm and lack of air at night while sleeping
Parents’ genetics and parenting are the two main factors contributing to a child’s stuttering behavior. Children under the age of 5 generally have stuttering, and most of them resolve on their own by the time they enter school. But if the child stutters more often and has abnormal body movements or facial features, it could be a sign of an abnormal condition. However, if parents find that their child has stuttered. These basic methods can be used to improve your child’s condition:
1. Build confidence for your child to have confidence and dare to talk. There is no anxiety or embarrassment about stuttering.
2. Show enthusiasm when your child speaks. Listen carefully show no boredom and do not interrupt the child while speaking.
3. You should create an atmosphere for your child to feel fun and enjoy. For example, decorate the room by placing your child’s favorite doll. Arrange a corner for your child’s favorite book to read. While parents do activities with their children should not distract the child’s attention either. Turn on the TV or loud music and let your child play computer games.
4. You should not make your child feel uncomfortable or lose confidence, such as forcing your child to speak in public or in front of a large number of people.
5. Encourage your child to practice concentration on speaking with simple activities such as singing. The tempo is not too fast.
6. Giving your child love and warmth is the best way to help them develop and build confidence. Ultimately, your child’s stuttering will improve accordingly.
Allergies in children can be caused by two main factors:
1. Heredity: In case the parents are allergic, may have inherited traits that make children more likely to have allergies than others.
2. Environment: Allergens such as pets, cockroaches, tobacco smoke, dust, dust mites, as well as certain foods such as seafood, cow’s milk, eggs, wheat flour or peanuts are also contributing factors.
If parents need more advice can consult a medical professional.
Symptoms of anaphylaxis in children can occur in many body systems.
1. Skin system: rash with hives, itching, and dry skin.
2. Respiratory system: frequent colds, chronic colds, sinusitis, coughing when the weather changes, or coughing at times. Some people with severe symptoms may have asthma symptoms such as wheezing, rapid breathing or “wheezing” wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.
3. Gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea for infants may experience frequent milk ruptures.
If parents need more advice can consult a medical professional.
Allergy care in children can be done in a few simple ways:
1. Eat all 5 food groups and avoid foods that cause allergies.
2. Exercise regularly.
3. Get enough sleep.
4. Avoid stimulants or substances that cause allergic reactions.
5. Seeing a doctor for disciplinary checks and receiving appropriate treatment.
A child’s flatulence can be caused by a number of reasons, such as food allergies, excessive crying, or drinking too much milk. In the event that the child has bloating from drinking too much milk. Parents should burp their babies to make them feel more comfortable.
In cases where the baby is constipated and is defecating every day, the appearance of the stool is similar to that of a rabbit. Parents should immediately take their children to the doctor as this is an unusual symptom, especially in young children under 6 months of age. It can be detrimental to your health in the long run.
Diarrhea in which the child has diarrhea that is very watery or has an unusually foul smell more than 3 times a day. Parents should immediately take them to the doctor for diagnosis as their child may be at risk of malnutrition or dehydration.
Indeed, the benefits of going to school to study with a teacher are more important. However, preventive measures such as wearing a mask. spacing Limiting the number of students in a room and vaccinating teachers, students and staff can help reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
I am a pediatrician who has been taking care of children for over 40 years. If parents who need consultation on dengue fever, asthma, vaccine, or suggestion on new vaccines can ask me for information.
Actually, I came from Samutprakan and then moved to Chiang Mai for a bachelor’s degree. I graduated with a medical degree, a doctor of medicine from Chiang Mai University in 1975, and a specialty in pediatrics in 1979. I can speak Thai, and a little bit of the Lanna dialect.
In my leisure time, I will do the garden and take my grandchildren to do outdoor activities such as planting a tree, raising chickens, and collecting chicken eggs to as allow children to learn, have fun, and exercise at the same time. If children want to be healthy, they must do frequent exercise.